Dans l’ouvrage collectif qu’ils ont dirigé, Greg Richards et Wil Munsters indiquent qu’il prend sa source dans un programme de recherche lancé en 1991 par l’Association for Tourism and Leisure Education (ATLAS : http://www.atlas-euro.org), visant à compléter les données quantitatives existantes portant sur le tourisme culturel par des informations de nature qualitative (qualité de l’expérience de séjour, impact sur les visiteurs eux-mêmes, sur les lieux visités et sur les habitants des destinations, etc.).
C’est sur cette base que les auteurs réunis dans ce volume proposent des pistes destinées à explorer de nouvelles méthodes visant à mieux appréhender le phénomène du tourisme culturel.
On y trouve donc davantage des développements de nature méthodologique (en termes sociaux, culturels, psychologiques, anthropologiques…) que de véritables études de cas.
Il s’agit en effet de mettre en balance différentes méthodes de recherche (sachant qu’elles sont de plus en plus nombreuses et diverses), en pesant leurs avantages et leurs inconvénients respectifs.
Voici la présentation en anglais de l’ouvrage (http://bookshop.cabi.org/default.aspx?site=191&page=2633&pid=2186) par son éditeur :
The consumption of culture is one of the most important aspects of tourism activity. Cultural tourism includes experiencing local culture, traditions and lifestyle, participation in arts-related activities, and visits to museums, monuments and heritage sites. This book reviews a wide range of qualitative and quantitative research methods applied to the field of cultural tourism, including surveys, mystery tourist visits, visitor tracking, grand tour narratives, collage, researcher-created video, photo-based interviews, ethnographic and actor-network approaches. It provides a practical guide on how to conduct research as well as a discussion and evaluation of the methods.
Le sommaire de l’ouvrage est le suivant :
The Evolution of Cultural Tourism Research
1 Developments and Perspectives in Cultural Tourism Research, Greg Richards and Wil Munsters
2 The Traditional Quantitative Approach. Surveying Cultural Tourists: Lessons from the ATLAS Cultural Tourism Research Project, Greg Richards
3 A Comparison of Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches: Complementarities and Tradeoffs, Marjan Melkert and Katleen Vos
4 Blurring Boundaries in Cultural Tourism Research, Esther Binkhorst, Teun den Dekker and Marjan Melkert
Mixed Qualitative – Quantitative Approaches
5 The Cultural Destination Experience Audit Applied to the Tourist-Historic City, Wil Munsters
6 Combining Methods for the Study of Visitor Behaviour at the Hungarian Open Air Museum, László Puczkó, Edit Bárd and Júlia Füzi
7 Employing the Grand Tour Approach to Aid Understanding of Garden Visiting, Dorothy Fox, Jonathan Edwards and Keith Wilkes
8 Multi-Method Research on Ethnic Cultural Tourism in Australia, Jock Collins, Simon Darcy and Kirrily Jordan
9 Tracking the Urban Visitor: Methods for Examining Tourists’ Spatial Behaviour and Visual Representations, Deborah Edwards, Tracey Dickson, Tony Griffin and Bruce Hayllar
Qualitative Approaches
10 An Application of Grounded Theory to Cultural Tourism Research: Resident Attitudes to Tourism Activity in Santiponce, Mario Castellanos-Verdugo, Francisco J. Caro-González and M. Ángeles Oviedo-García
11 Tales from the Field: Video and its Potential for Creating Cultural Tourism Knowledge, Tijana Raki
12 Using Photo-Based Interviews to Reveal the Significance of Heritage Buildings to Cultural Tourism Experiences, Gregory Willson and Alison McIntosh
13 Measuring the Image of a Cultural Tourism Destination Through the Collage Technique, Ana M. González Fernández, María Carmen Rodríguez Santos and Miguel Cervantes Blanco
Interdisciplinary Approaches
14 Ethnographic Research on Cultural Tourism: An Anthropological View, Xerardo Pereiro
15 From Local to Global (and Back): Towards Glocal Ethnographies of Cultural Tourism, Noel B. Salazar
16 Assembling the Socio-material Destination: An Actor-Network Approach to Cultural Tourism Studies, Carina Ren
17 Methods in Cultural Tourism Research: The State of the Art, Wil Munsters and Greg Richards
Edité par G Richards, Reader, University of the West of England, et W Munsters, Director, Centre for Cultural Tourism Research, Zuyd University
248 Pages / 9781845935184
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