"Grants remains an act necessary, but insufficient."

Hélène Girard article in the Gazette of Commons (July 13, 2016)

In an interview with the Gazette, three academic authors of the study on the cultural infrastructure, which we were able to realize exclusive June 30, 2016, before its publication, back on the operational dimension of this notion from concrete examples.

In the report they have co-signed for the Ministry of Culture – "cultural infrastructure: what territorial impact? How to maximize the effects? "- Jean-Luc bridges, Director of the firm Culture and territory, Fabrice Thuriot, design engineer at the center of research on territorial decentralization, teacher and researcher at the University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne, and Jean-Michel Tobelem, associate professor at the University Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne and Director of the firm Option Culture, go to sift through the notion of cultural equipment"structuring. "


A word that is blunt employee being sometimes misused, or incantatory way, by number of communities.

The three authors strive to define and identify the operating conditions of equipment with this feature.

For the Gazette, they continue this confrontation of this notion with the reality on the ground.

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